Summer might be doing its best to cling on for dear life but we are officially in the Autumnal season, or so the calendar says. If your feel like you haven’t prepared your garden for Autumn yet, there’s still time to do all of the following…
Give your greenhouse a quick clean
It’s served you well over the summer so why not treat your greenhouse to a quick spruce-up and give it a clean. Get rid of dead plants, clean up potting areas, and give the interior and the exterior of the glass a quick clean. Whilst you are at it, wash spare plant pots and give seed trays a clean, you can use them again next year.
Go on border patrol
Now’s the perfect time to spruce up garden borders. You can remove any annuals that have slowly died off and get rid of any plants that simply didn’t thrive over the summer. Prune your perennials and remove general waste from border areas, you might want to layer them with bark or use any spare compost you might have to give the soil a nice, rich texture.
Care for the lawn
Give the lawn a final cut and remove any moss that has started to grow in the turf. You can rake away excess moss and throw it onto your compost heap, or use moss killer where this is required. For heavily compacted areas, aerate the lawn using a garden fork and leave tiny holes across the entire area.
Tidy up your compost bin
If you have an excess of compost use this on your soil and make room for fresh garden waste you are sure to generate. If you have a small amount of compost in the bin, give it a quick turnover then add new waste to it over the new few months.
These are just a few quick tips to help you prepare your garden for the autumn. Have fun, and if you need any garden tools to help with the task, don’t hesitate to contact us here at H & G Promotions Limited.