When starting any new business venture, the most important factor to consider is how you’re going to win new customers and to get your business off the ground. This is consistent no matter your product or service. Window cleaning businesses require a slightly different approach to marketing, compared to other businesses. Here’s a look at five tips for generating customers for your window cleaning business.
Put on a Professional Appearance
One quality that never fails to attract customers is professionalism. This is the same not matter your business. As with most decisions, it can be the smallest factor that makes all the difference. A smartly-dressed, neat person with a smile is far more likely to have a positive impact than someone that doesn’t possess these qualities.
Once you have the right image, it’s time to consider the right message. First impressions matter, this is no more apparent than in business. Being polite and professional in your initial and subsequent meetings is paramount. This can make the difference between attracting and repelling potential customers.
Business Cards
One of the shrewdest ways to have your customers remember who you are is to have an elegantly-designed business card. Your business card should include all relevant contact details, be neatly designed and engaging.
When marketing your window cleaning business it’s important to place your business card in the hands of as many potential customers as possible. From neighbours to family and friends make sure that you get the word out. A good place to start is to visit local businesses and offer them your business card.
Flyer, Flyer and Flyer Again
Flyers are still an astute and effective form of marketing, this is certainly the case for window cleaners. The imagery on your flyer should draw the attention of your prospective, and existing customers and the copy should clearly outline your service and include all relevant information.
Why not target local business and strategically flyer where you believe your service will be noticed. If you’re feeling especially bold, you could always pay a personal visit, introduce yourself and place a flyer or business card directly in the business owner’s hand.
Respond Professionally
If you encounter a rebuke from a business owner, it’s important to remain personal and courteous. One of the most accepted for of marketing is word of mouth. If you don’t take the rebuke well, the business owner may respond by letting other targeted areas know of your impoliteness. This is especially important when targeting a large industrial estate with a number of potential clients.
If, on the other hand, you have an overwhelmingly positive response and a potential customer asks for a quotation, remain positive. If you have an idea of your prices and payment methods, be prompt, if not, take their details and get back to them promptly.
Have You Considered a Website?
In today’s contemporary world, we all use the internet to search for products or services. Why not employ a reputable but affordable designer to build you an engaging and optimised website? This may produce clients from a wider area, and be worth then initial investment.
Setting up a new business venture can be challenging. However, if you crack the initial marketing stages, you’re on your way to having a prosperous window cleaning business.